B2BNitro Podcast - B2B Marketing & Sales Acceleration

Cookie Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2023

Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at privacy@b2bnitro.com.

Types of Cookies:

  • Necessary Cookies
  • Performance Cookies
  • Functionality Cookies

Purpose of Cookies:

  • Necessary Cookies: These cookies are essential for the operation of our website.
  • Performance Cookies: We use these cookies to analyze website traffic and improve performance.
  • Functionality Cookies: These cookies enhance user experience by remembering user preferences.

Third-Party Cookies: We use Google Analytics for analytics and Facebook Pixel for advertising. You can find their privacy policies at their respective websites.

Cookie Retention Period:

  • Necessary Cookies: Session cookies
  • Performance Cookies: 12 months
  • Functionality Cookies: 6 months

Cookie Management: Users can manage cookies through their browser settings. We provide instructions on our website.

Consent Mechanism: Users can give or withdraw consent for non-essential cookies using our cookie banner.

Data Collected through Cookies: We collect anonymized IP addresses and browsing behavior.

Data Sharing: We share data collected through cookies with Google Analytics for website analytics.

Data Security: We have implemented encryption and access controls to protect cookie data.

Updates to the Cookie Policy: We will update this policy as necessary, and users will be notified of changes.

Thank you for trusting B2BNitro with your data.